.Awesome Exposed.: Hilarious parking cards


onsdag den 4. maj 2011

Hilarious parking cards

I badly want these cards in my car. At my workplace, I'd be able to hand these babies out 2 at the time. Impossible to find a spot, and nothing ticks me off more than to see some jerk parked in the middle of two spots or so.

I think I saw the place that sold them, but honestly they wouldn't be that hard to make yourself. Creating your own bad parking cards means you can also customize them. If you don't feel like keying someons crappy excuse for a car is serious enough you can replace with murder/bricks through glass/hiding-out-in-the-parking-lot-til-they-come-out-assault and more. The possibilites are endless and your only limits are your imagination and the nearest police patrol!

I do not condone violence.*

*Except if they do that shit twice in a row!

14 kommentarer:

Mike sagde ...

Where do I buy them?!? There has been so many times in my life where I could have used one of these.

ドナルド sagde ...

hahaha nice cards

mindph sagde ...

You brought me to a nice idea here hehe, I live in a city where everyone parks as they feel like

Anonym sagde ...

These seem very useful haha

Lunarchy sagde ...

What an eloquent solution to getting mad about someone's bad parking!

Armagedda sagde ...

Mate just get them made up, my old man used to keep a bunch of flyers in the car that read: Thanks for parking so close to me dickhead, next time leave me a fucking can opener so I can get out. Next to said message was a picture of Mickey Mouse giving the forks. Good times.

RandomDude sagde ...

Haha, they are great!

Anonym sagde ...

I need a few of those, but in german.

DubbaDeeDoo sagde ...

HELL YEAH BRO! I would looooooooove sharing these all freakin' day. Finding parking, ESPECIALLY around where I live, is IMPOSSIBLE. Hate apartments. ><

Lt Nite sagde ...

I would love to give these out, I saw a guy a few weeks ago who had taken up 4 parking spots, just parked right in the center of the 4 corners, I would dump an entire bag of those puppies on his car.

Loev sagde ...

Lt Nite - Wow, what a douche bag....he did indeed deserve a few of these - with super adhesive!

kxxthanxx sagde ...

want them for a whole range of annoyances. loud people.

R.C sagde ...

Someone sells these. Someone MUST SELL THEM!

Bosstone sagde ...

Definitely have to print up a thousand or so of these soon here. Hilarity.

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