.Awesome Exposed.: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Official Trailer Released


onsdag den 25. maj 2011

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Official Trailer Released

The official Modern Warfare 3 trailer is out! This game looks just as good as the previous ones! But that is relative, because there is much debate over these games. Some people love them and others spite them.

They are being accused for milking the franchise, being the same stupid storyline over and over again, non-inventive game play and promoting a low quality standard of games. There is no denying that the offer a quick, easy and better than mediocre gaming experience, but they never quite take your breath away like Oblivon díd for me or Fallout 3 for that matter, and most certainly not make you fall in love with it like back in the old days. ( Zelda: Ocarina of Time anyone? ) Honestly, could you tell apart the past 2-3 games based solely on the single player? To me its a grey blur of evil russian guys, something about empty quivers, betrayal and some last minute heroic stuff to save the planet. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt and the bullet wound.

Nevertheless I'm excited and probably will end up getting this game and put just as many hours (76) into the multi-player as i did with Black Ops.
Kick-ass wallpaper for you guys!

What do you guys think about this game and the Call of Duty franchise and the whole debate above?

Also, what theme would you rather see a new shooter in? WW2 is old, Vietnam has been done, future also done ( never quite worked for me ) and with the past installments of CoD contemporary warfare is also emptied out. Whats next?

37 kommentarer:

Dejch sagde ...

looks sick!!

kxxthanxx sagde ...


Malkavian sagde ...

Looks great but this is a multiplayer oriented game so im sure that the single player experience will be hollow.

Dave sagde ...

Think Ill give this a go.

Anonym sagde ...

I really need to get to playing CoD some day...

Tech Unlocked sagde ...

Interesting trailer. I'm not much of a fan of CoD, but maybe this game will change that.

Anonym sagde ...

Another CoD trailer for another CoD game. :|

KrisuSS sagde ...

looks cool

Lucifer sagde ...

can't wait !

BigMike sagde ...

As long as the single player missions last longer then 6 hours i am happy!

srnajera sagde ...

ufff nicee gameee dudee (y) yeah

kite1099 sagde ...

LOVE the trailer

Unknown sagde ...

You would think that it would be hard to keep the series going, but i suppose as younger generations come to the game they wont have seen the older ones, so they could probably repeat and remake every few years and still make a crazy proft!

Fermium Death sagde ...

looks so beautiful, war in the middle of big cities? Can't wait, hate trailers XD

//Love sagde ...

The city warfare... :)

Loev sagde ...

JamieGraham90 - Thats probably true and with new game engines it'll probably feel like a completely new game aswell. Plus, there are actually a fuckton of stories to tell from war.

Anonym sagde ...

Most games just don't take your breath away...

R.C sagde ...

Everyone is going to eat this game up. I'm done with FPS games right now though.

A70 8Trac sagde ...

Cowadooty is a guilty pleasure for me. I detest how inaccurately portray firearms, but at the same time am entertained by the arcade-like feel of the game. Its just terrible that people take how guns work in that game as how guns work in the real world. Makes me rage at times -_-

evldmn sagde ...

Can't wait for it.

Loev sagde ...

AP0976 - Got any shooting range experience? :)

Zach sagde ...

Meh, looks like the same old stuff they've been churning out every year. Looking forward to BF3 though :]

Unknown sagde ...

personally i can't wait to see how the story ends!

JayPower sagde ...

Been waitiing for this for sooo long ;D looks amazing!

Maquina sagde ...

I used to play CoD 2 on my pc. forever alone gaming of course.

Anonym sagde ...

Might play it, never been a big cod fan though :/

Anonym sagde ...

Very tasty colors mmmm

Casually Anime sagde ...

Great trailer.

Shu sagde ...

very nice!

Richard sagde ...

I can't wait for this game.

Richard sagde ...

Great video.

Anonym sagde ...

Trailer looks good. I don't get why some hate on COD, I'm a fan.

ReesesX sagde ...

Battlefield beats CoD any day. But i'll probably try it.

charmingguy sagde ...

great game!
think it´s mostly about multiplayer though

sewingincircles sagde ...

That game is pretty fun.

Jeane M. sagde ...

This games really rocks! Got to find some useful downloads for this. Woot! wow accounts for sale

Unknown sagde ...

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